Candidate Assessment Software

Candidate assessment is the framework that recruiters use to determine if an applicant is suitable for a given role. It involves the following stages: –
- Job postings and application
- Candidate screening
- Candidate testing
- Background checks
- Legal and eligibility checks
Candidate assessments are designed to identify top quality applicants for the position and test them to determine who is the ideal fit. To be effective, applicant assessment programs should: –
- Unbiased hiring decisions
- Fair candidate experience
- Make recruitment effective and cost effective too
- Identify the best hire in the applicant pool
Job posting and application
Candidate assessment starts with identifying hiring need at organization. It is basically planning stage where team clearly identify what team do not and do want from an applicant. According to that create recruitment advertisement and post them to job boards and collect applications for the same. These advertisement help candidates to be aware of jobs available and pre-screen themselves by clearly stating job requirements. And apply if they suit for the job.
Candidate Screening
In this phase, screen the applications and resumes and matches the pattern between the job requirement and candidate’s resume. If it matches then the candidate move forward for next round otherwise reject them. Then the selected candidates will be qualified for interview. Interview can be face-to-face, telephonic or video conferencing. It is the choice of the organization that through which mode they want to conduct interview.
Candidate Testing
It is an employment test that attempts to measure certain characteristics of an individual. These characteristics range from aptitudes such as mammal dexterity to intelligence to personality.
Some important tests are: –
- Intelligent test: – It includes important psychological test used to measure the level of intelligence quotient of an individual.
- Aptitude test: – It is a measure of an individual’s potential for learning new skills.
- Personality test: – It gives an insight into a person’s emotions, reactions, maturity and value system, etc.
- Trade test: – It seeks to measure an existing skill of an individual.
- Interest test: – They are used to know the pattern of interests or involvement of a person.
Background checks
Once the candidate passes the first three phases then it is the time to check background. The hiring team will check whatever they told about there experience and background is accurate or not. Background checks that team uses will vary depending on company policy, regulations, security protocol or any other requirement. Examples:- reference checks, criminal record check, security clearance check, resume cross-referencing, etc.
Legal and eligibility checks
Some companies have strict eligibility and legal requirements that need to be met before a job offer can be sent to an applicant. Make sure that hiring team aware the candidates of these requirements early in the application process only.
Hence, candidate assessment is the most important component of effective hiring.